Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Post Coming Soon

I know it's been a while since my last post, but there is a reasonalble explanation for it.
I've been working on a piece about the art of the tech-pin which is on it's way, but I'll have to push it back due to a concussion. I am also working on another piece titled "Jungle Gyms: The Silent Killer." It is difficult to think. But if you think a concussion is a bad thing or makes you dumber then you are horribly wrong. It is a well known fact that only geniuses and really smart kids get concussions. A concussion is actually when you're brain is too huge and pushes against the walls of your skull, causing pain and pressure on the head. So if you want to try to make fun of me or anyone else who's had a concussion or multiple concussions, you should do a little research before making these outlandish claims. But then again, you do have a tiny brain.

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